Free resources
Below are some resources for you to download and use.
Prescribing an assistance/therapy dog
This resource provides essential information to help you feel fully prepared before starting the assistance or therapy dog journey. It outlines key considerations, including expectations, responsibilities, and potential challenges, ensuring you’re well-informed and equipped for the process. Whether you’re exploring this path for yourself, a loved one, or recommending to a client, this guide helps you understand what to anticipate and how to set yourself up for success.
What we look for in an assistance/therapy dog
A list of the personality and health traits we look for when assessing whether a dog is suitable for an assistance or therapy dog role.
Assistance Dog Access Information for Venues and Staff
This document is here to help you feel confident and prepared when accessing public spaces with your assistance dog. It explains your legal rights under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and outlines what venue staff can and can’t ask for as evidence. Whether you’re new to assistance dog access or want to refresh your knowledge, this resource will ensure you’re equipped to handle any situation with ease.